C string new line

A classic!

In C, a newline character is represented by the character \n. This is a special character that tells the terminal or console to move to the next line.

Here are a few ways to include a newline character in a C string:

  1. Using the \n escape sequence:

    char str[] = "Hello\nWorld!";

    This will create a string with the text "Hello" followed by a newline character, and then the text "World!".

  2. Using the printf function:


    This will print the string "Hello", followed by a newline character, followed by the string "World!", and finally another newline character.

  3. Using the puts function:


    This will print the string "Hello\nWorld!" followed by a newline character.

  4. Using the sprintf function:

    char str[20];
    sprintf(str, "Hello\nWorld!");

    This will create a string buffer str and fill it with the text "Hello\nWorld!".

Note that in all cases, the \n character is a single character, not a string. It's a special character that tells the terminal or console to move to the next line.