C link label open new form

You want to know how to create a link label in C# that opens a new form.

Here's a simple example:

First, create a new form in your project. Let's call it Form2.

Then, in your main form (Form1), add a Label control and set its Text property to the text you want to display as a link. For example:

Label linkLabel = new Label();
linkLabel.Text = "Click here to open Form2";
linkLabel.AutoSize = true;
linkLabel.Location = new Point(10, 10);
linkLabel.LinkArea = new LinkArea(0, linkLabel.Text.Length);
linkLabel.LinkClicked += new LinkLabelLinkClickedEventHandler(linkLabel_LinkClicked);

In the code above, we create a new Label control and set its Text property to the text we want to display as a link. We also set the AutoSize property to true so that the label resizes to fit the text. We set the Location property to a point on the form where we want the label to appear. We also set the LinkArea property to a new LinkArea object that specifies the range of characters in the label that should be treated as a link. Finally, we add the LinkClicked event handler to the label.

Now, let's implement the LinkClicked event handler:

private void linkLabel_LinkClicked(object sender, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e)
    Form2 form2 = new Form2();

In this event handler, we create a new instance of Form2 and call its Show method to display the form.

That's it! Now, when you run your program and click on the label, it should open the new form.

Note that you can customize the appearance of the link label by using various properties, such as LinkColor, VisitedLinkColor, and LinkVisited. You can also use the LinkLabel control's AutoSize property to control the size of the label.