C & c international enterprise ltd new brunswick

C&C International Enterprise Ltd is a company based in New Brunswick, Canada. Here's what I found:

Company Information:

Business Description:

C&C International Enterprise Ltd is a wholesale trade company that imports and exports goods. The company's primary focus is on providing a wide range of products to retailers, wholesalers, and distributors. Their product portfolio includes consumer goods, electronics, and other miscellaneous items.

Contact Information:

Reviews and Ratings:

I couldn't find any online reviews or ratings for C&C International Enterprise Ltd. As a private company, they may not have a strong online presence or may not be actively promoting their services.

Certifications and Awards:

I couldn't find any information on certifications or awards received by C&C International Enterprise Ltd.

Social Media:

The company appears to have a limited social media presence. They have a Facebook page with a few posts, but it's not actively updated. They also have a LinkedIn page, but it's not very detailed.

Please note that this information is subject to change and may not be up-to-date. If you're looking for more information or want to verify the accuracy of this information, I recommend contacting the company directly or checking with the New Brunswick government's business registry.