Byp100 new orleans

BYP100 (Black Youth Project 100) is a national organization of Black youth that was founded in 2013. The organization is based in Chicago, Illinois, but has chapters and affiliates across the United States, including in New Orleans.

BYP100 is a social justice organization that aims to empower and mobilize Black youth to take action on issues that affect their lives and communities. The organization's mission is to "build a movement of young Black people who are determined to create a more just and equitable world."

In New Orleans, BYP100 has been involved in a number of initiatives and campaigns, including:

  1. Police accountability: BYP100 has been a vocal advocate for police accountability and has organized protests and rallies to demand justice for Black people who have been killed or injured by police violence.
  2. Education justice: BYP100 has worked to address issues related to education in New Orleans, including the city's charter school system and the lack of resources and support for public schools.
  3. Environmental justice: BYP100 has been involved in efforts to address environmental issues in New Orleans, including the city's flood protection system and the impact of climate change on low-income and Black communities.
  4. Economic justice: BYP100 has worked to address issues related to economic inequality in New Orleans, including the lack of access to affordable housing, healthcare, and other essential services.

Some of the specific initiatives and campaigns that BYP100 has been involved in in New Orleans include:

  1. The "Justice for Trayvon Martin" campaign, which was launched in response to the killing of Trayvon Martin in Florida in 2012.
  2. The "Black Lives Matter" movement, which was launched in response to the killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri in 2014.
  3. The "Fight for $15" campaign, which aimed to raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour for low-wage workers in New Orleans.
  4. The "New Orleans Education Justice Alliance" campaign, which aimed to address issues related to education in New Orleans, including the city's charter school system and the lack of resources and support for public schools.

Overall, BYP100 has been a vocal and active presence in New Orleans, working to address a range of social and economic issues that affect Black youth and communities in the city.