Buy new car tyres

Buying new car tyres can be a daunting task, but with some knowledge and preparation, you can make an informed decision. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you buy the right tyres for your vehicle:

  1. Check your vehicle's tyre size: Before buying new tyres, make sure you know the correct size for your vehicle. You can find this information in your vehicle's owner's manual, on the tyre information placard on the driver's side doorjamb, or on the manufacturer's website.
  2. Determine your tyre type: There are several types of tyres, including:
    • All-season tyres: Suitable for everyday driving in various weather conditions.
    • High-performance tyres: Designed for speed and handling, often used on sports cars.
    • Winter tyres: Designed for traction and control in snowy and icy conditions.
    • Off-road tyres: Designed for use on unpaved roads and in off-road terrain.
  3. Consider your driving habits: Think about how you drive and the conditions you typically encounter. If you:
    • Drive aggressively or at high speeds, you may need high-performance tyres.
    • Drive in snowy or icy conditions, you may need winter tyres.
    • Drive on unpaved roads or in off-road terrain, you may need off-road tyres.
  4. Check your tyre's tread depth: If your tyres are worn out, it's a good idea to replace them. You can check the tread depth by inserting a penny into the tyre groove with Lincoln's head facing down. If you can see the top of Lincoln's head, your tyres are worn out.
  5. Choose the right tyre brand and model: Research different tyre brands and models to find the one that best suits your needs. Consider factors such as:
    • Tread life and durability
    • Handling and braking performance
    • Noise level and comfort
    • Price and warranty
  6. Check for tyre certifications: Look for tyres that have been certified by organizations such as the Tire and Rubber Association of Canada (TRAC) or the European Tyre and Rubber Association (ETRA). These certifications ensure that the tyres meet certain safety and performance standards.
  7. Buy from a reputable dealer: Purchase your tyres from a reputable dealer or online retailer. Make sure they offer a warranty and good customer service.
  8. Check the price and warranty: Compare prices from different dealers and online retailers to find the best deal. Also, check the warranty offered by the manufacturer and the dealer.

Some popular tyre brands and models include:

Remember to always follow proper tyre installation and maintenance procedures to ensure your safety on the road.