Buy new born baby white dress on jumia

Congratulations on your new addition!

You can find a wide range of adorable newborn baby white dresses on Jumia, Nigeria's leading online marketplace. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you find the perfect one:

  1. Search on Jumia: Open Jumia's website ( and type "newborn baby white dress" in the search bar.
  2. Filter your search: On the search results page, you can filter your search by:
    • Price: Set a budget range to find dresses within your price range.
    • Brand: Choose from popular brands like Babyshop, Mothercare, and more.
    • Size: Select "Newborn" or "0-3 months" to find dresses suitable for your little one.
    • Reviews: Sort by "Best Selling" or "Highest Rated" to find popular and highly-rated dresses.
  3. Browse through the results: Browse through the search results and click on each dress to view its details, including:
    • Description: Read the product description to know more about the dress, its material, and features.
    • Price: Check the price and compare it with other dresses.
    • Reviews: Read reviews from other customers to get an idea of the dress's quality and fit.
  4. Choose your dress: Once you've found the perfect dress, click "Add to Cart" to add it to your shopping cart.
  5. Proceed to checkout: Once you've added all the dresses you want to buy, proceed to checkout and follow the payment process.
  6. Track your order: After placing your order, you'll receive an email with your order details and a tracking number. You can use this to track your order's status.

Some popular newborn baby white dresses on Jumia include:

Remember to check the product reviews and seller ratings before making a purchase to ensure you're buying from a reputable seller. Happy shopping!