Busola dakolo latest news

Busola Dakolo is a Nigerian singer, songwriter, and activist who has been in the news lately due to her allegations of sexual assault against Timi Dakolo, her husband, and Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo, a popular Nigerian pastor. Here are some of the latest news updates about Busola Dakolo:

  1. Timi Dakolo's Response: In June 2020, Timi Dakolo responded to Busola's allegations, denying any wrongdoing and stating that he was not present at the alleged incident. He also accused Busola of trying to tarnish his reputation.
  2. Busola's Interview: In July 2020, Busola Dakolo gave an interview to Chude Jideonwo, a Nigerian journalist and activist, where she recounted the alleged sexual assault she suffered at the hands of Pastor Fatoyinbo. The interview sparked widespread outrage and calls for accountability.
  3. Pastor Fatoyinbo's Response: Pastor Fatoyinbo responded to Busola's allegations, denying any wrongdoing and stating that he was not present at the alleged incident. He also accused Busola of lying and trying to destroy his reputation.
  4. Legal Action: In August 2020, Busola Dakolo filed a lawsuit against Pastor Fatoyinbo, seeking damages for the alleged sexual assault. The lawsuit is ongoing.
  5. Public Support: Busola Dakolo has received widespread public support for her bravery in speaking out against sexual assault. Many Nigerians have expressed solidarity with her and called for accountability for those who have committed sexual offenses.
  6. Timi Dakolo's Support: Despite his initial denial, Timi Dakolo has since expressed support for his wife and acknowledged the pain and trauma she has suffered. He has also apologized for any harm he may have caused her.
  7. Counseling and Support: Busola Dakolo has been receiving counseling and support from various organizations and individuals, including the Nigerian government, which has offered to provide her with psychological support and counseling.

These are some of the latest news updates about Busola Dakolo. The case is ongoing, and we will continue to monitor developments and provide updates as more information becomes available.