Busola dakolo and biodun fatoyinbo latest news

Busola Dakolo and Biodun Fatoyinbo are two individuals who have been in the news recently due to a controversy surrounding a rape allegation made by Busola Dakolo against Biodun Fatoyinbo.

Here's a summary of the latest news:

Background: Busola Dakolo, a Nigerian singer and wife of popular musician Timi Dakolo, accused Biodun Fatoyinbo, a Nigerian pastor and founder of the Commonwealth of Zion Assembly (COZA), of raping her in 2002 when she was 16 years old.

Initial Allegation: Busola Dakolo made the allegation in an interview with YNaija, a Nigerian online publication, in June 2019. She claimed that Fatoyinbo, who was then a young pastor, had raped her in his church in Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria.

Fatoyinbo's Response: Fatoyinbo denied the allegations, saying that they were false and that he was innocent. He also claimed that Busola Dakolo had been a member of his church and had even served as a choir member.

Investigation: The Nigerian Police Force launched an investigation into the allegations, but no charges were filed against Fatoyinbo.

Recent Developments: In recent weeks, there have been renewed calls for Fatoyinbo to step down as pastor of COZA, with many Nigerians calling for accountability and justice for Busola Dakolo.

Latest News: On August 6, 2020, Busola Dakolo filed a lawsuit against Fatoyinbo, seeking N5 billion (approximately $13.6 million) in damages for the alleged rape. The lawsuit was filed at the Federal High Court in Abuja, Nigeria.

Reactions: The controversy has sparked widespread debate and outrage on social media, with many Nigerians calling for Fatoyinbo to be held accountable for his alleged actions. Some have also criticized the Nigerian government for not taking stronger action to address the allegations.

Ongoing Investigation: The Nigerian Police Force has reopened the investigation into the allegations, and Fatoyinbo has been summoned for questioning.

The situation remains ongoing, with many Nigerians continuing to demand justice and accountability for Busola Dakolo.