Business startup news togo

Here are some recent business startup news from Togo:

  1. Togo's startup ecosystem grows: According to a report by StartupBlink, Togo's startup ecosystem has grown significantly, with a total of 14 startups in the country, including fintech, healthtech, and agritech companies. (Source: StartupBlink)
  2. Agritech startup, FarmConnect, raises $200,000: FarmConnect, a Togolese agritech startup, has raised $200,000 in funding to expand its operations and improve its digital platform for farmers. (Source: TechCrunch)
  3. Fintech startup, MFS Africa, expands to Togo: MFS Africa, a fintech company, has expanded its operations to Togo, offering mobile financial services to the country's unbanked population. (Source: Finextra)
  4. Togo's first coworking space, Impact Hub Lomé, launches: Impact Hub Lomé, a coworking space, has launched in Lomé, Togo, providing a platform for startups and entrepreneurs to collaborate and innovate. (Source: Impact Hub)
  5. Togolese startup, Jumia Food, expands to new cities: Jumia Food, a food delivery startup, has expanded its operations to new cities in Togo, including Lomé and Sokodé. (Source: Jumia)
  6. Togo's government launches entrepreneurship program: The Togolese government has launched an entrepreneurship program, aimed at supporting startups and small businesses in the country. (Source: Togo First)
  7. Agritech startup, AgroCares, raises $150,000: AgroCares, a Togolese agritech startup, has raised $150,000 in funding to develop its platform for farmers and improve agricultural productivity. (Source: AgroCares)
  8. Togo's startup scene attracts international attention: Togo's startup scene has attracted international attention, with several international organizations and investors showing interest in the country's entrepreneurial ecosystem. (Source: Togo Business News)
  9. Fintech startup, Wari, expands to Togo: Wari, a fintech company, has expanded its operations to Togo, offering mobile financial services to the country's unbanked population. (Source: Wari)
  10. Togo's government launches digital transformation plan: The Togolese government has launched a digital transformation plan, aimed at promoting the use of technology in various sectors of the economy. (Source: Togo First)

These are just a few examples of the business startup news from Togo. The country's startup ecosystem is growing rapidly, with many startups and entrepreneurs making significant progress in various sectors.