Business investment news zimbabwe

Here are some recent business investment news from Zimbabwe:

  1. Zimbabwe's economy to grow by 3.5% in 2023: The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has projected that Zimbabwe's economy will grow by 3.5% in 2023, driven by agriculture, mining, and manufacturing sectors. (Source: The Herald)
  2. Chinese firm invests in Zimbabwe's energy sector: A Chinese company, China Gezhouba Group Corporation, has invested $100 million in Zimbabwe's energy sector, with plans to build a 300-megawatt thermal power plant. (Source: The Zimbabwe Independent)
  3. Zimbabwe's tourism sector attracts $100 million investment: The Zimbabwe Tourism Authority (ZTA) has announced that the tourism sector has attracted $100 million in investment, with plans to develop new hotels, lodges, and resorts. (Source: The Sunday Mail)
  4. Zimbabwe's mining sector to attract $1 billion investment: The Zimbabwe Mining Federation (ZMF) has announced that the mining sector is expected to attract $1 billion in investment in the next five years, driven by the discovery of new mineral deposits. (Source: The Herald)
  5. Zimbabwe's agriculture sector to benefit from $150 million investment: The African Development Bank (AfDB) has approved a $150 million investment in Zimbabwe's agriculture sector, with plans to improve irrigation systems and increase crop yields. (Source: The Zimbabwe Independent)
  6. Zimbabwe's infrastructure development to attract $2 billion investment: The Zimbabwean government has announced plans to attract $2 billion in investment in the country's infrastructure development, including roads, bridges, and energy projects. (Source: The Sunday Mail)
  7. Zimbabwe's fintech sector to attract $50 million investment: The Zimbabwean government has announced plans to attract $50 million in investment in the country's fintech sector, with plans to develop mobile payment systems and digital banking platforms. (Source: The Herald)
  8. Zimbabwe's manufacturing sector to benefit from $200 million investment: The Zimbabwean government has announced plans to attract $200 million in investment in the country's manufacturing sector, with plans to develop new industries and increase production capacity. (Source: The Zimbabwe Independent)
  9. Zimbabwe's renewable energy sector to attract $500 million investment: The Zimbabwean government has announced plans to attract $500 million in investment in the country's renewable energy sector, with plans to develop solar, wind, and hydroelectric power projects. (Source: The Sunday Mail)
  10. Zimbabwe's e-commerce sector to attract $20 million investment: The Zimbabwean government has announced plans to attract $20 million in investment in the country's e-commerce sector, with plans to develop online shopping platforms and digital payment systems. (Source: The Herald)

These are just a few examples of the business investment news from Zimbabwe. The country has been working to attract foreign investment and stimulate economic growth, and there are many opportunities for investors to get involved in various sectors.