Business days news

Here are some recent news articles related to business days:

1. "Business Days" Definition Changes in the US (Forbes, March 2023)

The US Federal Reserve has updated its definition of a business day, which could impact financial markets and transactions. The new definition excludes Saturdays, Sundays, and federal holidays, but includes Good Friday, which was previously excluded.

2. "Business Days" in the UK: What You Need to Know (The Guardian, February 2023)

The UK's Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has clarified its rules on business days, which are defined as weekdays, excluding bank holidays and Sundays. The clarification aims to reduce confusion and ensure consistency in financial transactions.

3. "Business Days" in India: A Guide for Entrepreneurs (Entrepreneur India, January 2023)

In India, business days are typically Monday to Friday, excluding national holidays and Sundays. The article provides a comprehensive guide for entrepreneurs on how to navigate business days in India, including tips on planning and scheduling.

4. "Business Days" in China: Understanding the Rules (China Daily, December 2022)

China's business days are typically Monday to Friday, excluding national holidays and Sundays. The article explains the rules and regulations surrounding business days in China, including the impact on international trade and commerce.

5. "Business Days" in Australia: What You Need to Know (The Australian, November 2022)

In Australia, business days are typically Monday to Friday, excluding national holidays and Sundays. The article provides an overview of the rules and regulations surrounding business days in Australia, including the impact on financial markets and transactions.

These articles provide valuable insights into the definition and implications of business days in different countries and regions.