Business case for new position template

Here is a template for a business case for a new position:

Title: Request for a New [Position] to [Achieve Specific Business Objectives]

Executive Summary:

This business case outlines the need for a new [Position] to support the growth and success of [Company/Organization]. The proposed position will [briefly describe the key responsibilities and objectives of the role]. This new role will enable us to [specifically how the role will contribute to the organization's goals and objectives].

Business Need:


Key Responsibilities:

Skills and Qualifications:

Budget and Resource Requirements:

Implementation Plan:

Return on Investment (ROI):


The proposed new [Position] is essential to addressing the [specific business challenge or opportunity] and achieving the [specific business objectives]. With the right skills and qualifications, this role will enable us to [specifically how the role will contribute to the organization's goals and objectives]. We believe that the benefits of this new role far outweigh the costs, and we are confident that it will have a positive impact on the organization.


Note: This is just a template, and you should customize it to fit your specific needs and organization.