Business case for a new store

Here is a sample business case for a new store:

Executive Summary

Our company, [Company Name], is proposing the opening of a new store in [Location]. The store will offer a unique shopping experience, featuring a curated selection of [products/services] that cater to the needs and preferences of the local community. We believe that this new store will not only generate significant revenue but also contribute to the economic growth and development of the area.

Market Analysis

The [Location] market is characterized by a growing population of [demographics] with a high disposable income. The area is also home to a number of [key industries/employers] that provide a stable source of customers. Our market research indicates that there is a gap in the market for a store that offers [unique products/services] and a personalized shopping experience.

Competitive Analysis

Our competitors in the area are primarily [list competitors], who offer a limited selection of [products/services]. Our store will differentiate itself through its unique product offerings, knowledgeable staff, and exceptional customer service. We will also leverage our online presence to attract customers from a wider geographic area.

Business Model

Our business model is based on the following key elements:

Financial Projections

We project the following financial performance for the first three years of operation:

Start-up Costs

The start-up costs for the new store will be approximately $500,000, which will cover the costs of:


We believe that the opening of a new store in [Location] will be a successful venture that will generate significant revenue and contribute to the economic growth and development of the area. With a unique product offering, exceptional customer service, and a strong marketing strategy, we are confident that our store will become a go-to destination for customers in the area.


Based on our analysis, we recommend that the company proceed with the opening of the new store in [Location]. We believe that this investment will provide a strong return on investment and contribute to the long-term success of the company.
