Business case for a new product

Here is a sample business case for a new product:

Product Name: SmartHomePro

Executive Summary:

SmartHomePro is a revolutionary new product that enables homeowners to control and monitor their homes remotely using a mobile app. With SmartHomePro, users can adjust lighting, temperature, security, and entertainment systems from anywhere in the world, ensuring a safe, comfortable, and energy-efficient living space. Our product is designed to improve the quality of life for homeowners, increase energy efficiency, and provide a competitive edge in the smart home market.

Market Analysis:

The smart home market is growing rapidly, with an estimated global value of $146 billion by 2025. The market is driven by increasing consumer demand for convenience, energy efficiency, and home security. Our target market is homeowners aged 25-55 who are tech-savvy and willing to invest in innovative products that improve their daily lives.

Product Features:

  1. Remote Control: Users can control lighting, temperature, security, and entertainment systems from anywhere in the world using a mobile app.
  2. Energy Efficiency: SmartHomePro optimizes energy consumption by automatically turning off lights and appliances when not in use.
  3. Home Security: The product includes advanced security features such as motion detection, door and window sensors, and video monitoring.
  4. Integration: SmartHomePro integrates with popular smart home devices and platforms, ensuring seamless connectivity and control.
  5. Voice Control: Users can control SmartHomePro using voice commands through popular virtual assistants like Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant.

Competitive Analysis:

SmartHomePro differentiates itself from existing smart home products through its comprehensive feature set, user-friendly interface, and competitive pricing. Our product is designed to be more affordable and easier to install than existing solutions, making it accessible to a wider range of consumers.

Financial Projections:

We project the following financial performance for SmartHomePro:

Marketing and Sales Strategy:

We will launch SmartHomePro through a multi-channel approach, including:

  1. Online Marketing: Targeted online advertising, social media campaigns, and influencer partnerships.
  2. Trade Shows: Participation in major smart home and technology trade shows.
  3. Partnerships: Collaborations with leading smart home device manufacturers and service providers.
  4. Sales Team: A dedicated sales team will focus on building relationships with key accounts and generating leads.

Operations and Logistics:

We will manufacture SmartHomePro in-house, with a focus on quality control and efficient production processes. We will also establish a network of authorized resellers and distributors to ensure timely and cost-effective delivery to customers.


SmartHomePro is a game-changing product that addresses the growing demand for smart home solutions. With its comprehensive feature set, user-friendly interface, and competitive pricing, we believe SmartHomePro has the potential to disrupt the smart home market and drive significant revenue growth. We are confident that our product will resonate with consumers and establish our company as a leader in the smart home industry.