Bushkiddo new videos

BushKiddo! They're a popular YouTube channel known for their entertaining and informative content, especially when it comes to outdoor adventures, camping, and wilderness survival. Here are some of their latest videos:

Recent Videos:

  1. "Camping in the Wilderness: A Night in the Woods" (Uploaded on March 15, 2023) - Join BushKiddo as they spend a night camping in the wilderness, sharing tips and tricks for setting up camp, building a fire, and cooking a delicious meal.
  2. "Surviving a Bear Attack: What to Do and How to Prevent It" (Uploaded on March 8, 2023) - In this video, BushKiddo shares valuable information on how to prevent and respond to a bear attack, including what to do if you encounter a bear in the wild.
  3. "Building a Shelter in the Woods: A DIY Guide" (Uploaded on February 22, 2023) - Learn how to build a simple shelter using natural materials like branches, leaves, and twine. BushKiddo shows you how to create a cozy and safe shelter in the wilderness.
  4. "Foraging for Wild Edibles: A Beginner's Guide" (Uploaded on February 15, 2023) - Join BushKiddo as they explore the world of foraging for wild edibles, sharing tips on how to identify and harvest safe and delicious plants in the wild.
  5. "Camping in the Snow: Tips and Tricks for Winter Camping" (Uploaded on February 8, 2023) - In this video, BushKiddo shares their expertise on camping in the snow, covering topics like setting up camp, building a snow shelter, and staying warm and safe in the cold.

Popular Videos:

  1. "10 Essential Items to Bring on a Camping Trip" (Uploaded on January 25, 2023) - A must-watch for any camper, this video highlights the top 10 essential items to bring on a camping trip, from shelter and warmth to food and safety gear.
  2. "How to Start a Fire Without Matches" (Uploaded on January 18, 2023) - Learn how to start a fire using natural methods like flint and steel, bow drill, and hand drill. BushKiddo shows you how to get a fire going even without matches.
  3. "Wilderness Survival: How to Find Food and Water in the Wild" (Uploaded on January 11, 2023) - In this video, BushKiddo shares their expertise on finding food and water in the wilderness, covering topics like identifying edible plants, finding a water source, and purifying water.

I hope you enjoy these videos!