Bus from new york to philadelphia 30th street

A popular route!

There are several bus companies that operate from New York City to Philadelphia's 30th Street Station. Here are some options:

  1. Greyhound: Greyhound offers multiple daily departures from the Port Authority Bus Terminal in Midtown Manhattan to 30th Street Station in Philadelphia. The journey takes around 1 hour and 30 minutes, depending on traffic and the time of day. You can book tickets on their website or at the bus station.
  2. Megabus: Megabus is another popular option, with multiple daily departures from the same Port Authority Bus Terminal to 30th Street Station. The trip takes around 1 hour and 30 minutes, and you can book tickets on their website or through their mobile app.
  3. Peter Pan Bus Lines: Peter Pan Bus Lines operates from the Port Authority Bus Terminal to 30th Street Station, with multiple daily departures. The journey takes around 1 hour and 30 minutes, and you can book tickets on their website or at the bus station.
  4. LimoLiner: LimoLiner is a luxury bus service that offers daily departures from the Port Authority Bus Terminal to 30th Street Station. The trip takes around 1 hour and 30 minutes, and you can book tickets on their website or through their mobile app.
  5. FlixBus: FlixBus is a budget-friendly option that operates from the Port Authority Bus Terminal to 30th Street Station. The journey takes around 1 hour and 30 minutes, and you can book tickets on their website or through their mobile app.

Please note that schedules and prices may vary depending on the day of the week, time of year, and availability. I recommend checking the websites of these bus companies or using a ticketing platform like Wanderu to compare prices and find the best option for your needs.