Bus from boston to southern new hamphire university

There are a few options to get from Boston to Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) in Manchester, NH by bus:

  1. Greyhound: Greyhound operates daily bus services from Boston's South Station to Manchester's Bus Terminal, which is about a 10-minute walk to SNHU's campus. The journey takes around 1 hour and 15 minutes, and tickets start at around $10.
    • From Boston's South Station, take the Greyhound bus (Route 2101) towards Manchester.
    • Get off at the Manchester Bus Terminal (1000 Elm St, Manchester, NH 03101).
    • From the bus terminal, walk north on Elm St towards Canal St, then turn left onto Canal St. SNHU's campus will be on your right.
  2. Megabus: Megabus operates daily bus services from Boston's South Station to Manchester's Bus Terminal. The journey takes around 1 hour and 15 minutes, and tickets start at around $1.
    • From Boston's South Station, take the Megabus (Route 2101) towards Manchester.
    • Get off at the Manchester Bus Terminal (1000 Elm St, Manchester, NH 03101).
    • From the bus terminal, walk north on Elm St towards Canal St, then turn left onto Canal St. SNHU's campus will be on your right.
  3. Peter Pan Bus Lines: Peter Pan Bus Lines operates daily bus services from Boston's South Station to Manchester's Bus Terminal. The journey takes around 1 hour and 15 minutes, and tickets start at around $10.
    • From Boston's South Station, take the Peter Pan Bus Lines (Route 2101) towards Manchester.
    • Get off at the Manchester Bus Terminal (1000 Elm St, Manchester, NH 03101).
    • From the bus terminal, walk north on Elm St towards Canal St, then turn left onto Canal St. SNHU's campus will be on your right.

Please note that schedules and prices may vary depending on the day and time of travel, so it's always a good idea to check the bus company's website or mobile app for the latest information and to book your ticket in advance.