Burns 2002 categorises news into two namely

According to the 2002 report by Burns, the categorization of news into two main categories is as follows:

  1. Hard News: This category includes news that is considered to be of high importance, relevance, and impact. Hard news typically involves significant events, crises, or issues that affect a large number of people, such as:
    • Natural disasters
    • Wars and conflicts
    • Economic crises
    • Political scandals
    • Major accidents or tragedies
  2. Soft News: This category includes news that is considered to be of lower importance, relevance, and impact. Soft news typically involves more trivial or human-interest stories, such as:
    • Celebrity gossip
    • Entertainment news
    • Sports news
    • Lifestyle and consumer news
    • Human-interest stories

It's worth noting that these categories are not mutually exclusive, and some news stories may overlap between hard and soft news. Additionally, the distinction between hard and soft news can vary depending on the context and the audience.