Burnley fc new stadium plans

Burnley FC has been exploring options for a new stadium for several years, and in 2020, the club announced plans to build a new 22,000-seat stadium at a site in Gillford Park, Burnley. Here are the key details of the plans:

Location: The proposed stadium site is located in Gillford Park, Burnley, which is approximately 1.5 miles north of the current Turf Moor stadium.

Capacity: The new stadium will have a capacity of 22,000 seats, with the potential to expand to 25,000 in the future.

Design: The stadium design is being led by architects Populous, who have worked on numerous high-profile stadium projects around the world. The design features a single-tier stand on one side, with three-tiered stands on the other three sides.


Funding: The club is seeking to raise £50 million to fund the construction of the new stadium, with £20 million coming from the club's own resources and £30 million from external funding sources.

Timeline: The club aims to complete the construction of the new stadium by the 2024-25 season, with the possibility of playing some home games at the new stadium as early as the 2023-24 season.

Planning permission: The club has submitted a planning application to Burnley Borough Council, which is currently being considered. If approved, the club expects to begin construction work in 2023.

Community benefits: The new stadium is designed to be a community hub, with plans to include a range of community facilities, including a new community center, sports pitches, and a public park. The club is also committed to providing opportunities for local people to get involved in the construction and operation of the stadium.

Overall, the new stadium plans are an exciting development for Burnley FC and the local community, and are expected to provide a significant boost to the club's fortunes and the local economy.