Burma news live

Here are some reliable sources for Burma (Myanmar) news:

Online News Sources:

  1. The Irrawaddy: An independent news organization that provides news, analysis, and commentary on Burma.
  2. Myanmar Times: A daily English-language newspaper that covers news, business, and sports in Burma.
  3. Eleven Media Group: A leading media group in Burma that publishes news, magazines, and online content.
  4. Mizzima News: A news organization that provides news, analysis, and commentary on Burma, with a focus on democracy and human rights.
  5. Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB): A news organization that provides news, analysis, and commentary on Burma, with a focus on democracy and human rights.

TV News Channels:

  1. MRTV: The state-owned television network of Burma, which broadcasts news, current affairs, and entertainment programs.
  2. Myanmar International Television (MITV): A private television channel that broadcasts news, current affairs, and entertainment programs.
  3. Channel 9: A private television channel that broadcasts news, current affairs, and entertainment programs.

Radio News Stations:

  1. Myanmar Radio: The state-owned radio network of Burma, which broadcasts news, current affairs, and entertainment programs.
  2. Myanmar FM: A private radio station that broadcasts news, current affairs, and entertainment programs.

Social Media:

  1. Facebook: Many news organizations and journalists in Burma have Facebook pages where they share news and updates.
  2. Twitter: Many news organizations and journalists in Burma have Twitter accounts where they share news and updates.

News Aggregators:

  1. Google News: A news aggregator that collects news articles from various sources, including those mentioned above.
  2. NewsNow: A news aggregator that collects news articles from various sources, including those mentioned above.

Please note that some of these sources may have limited availability or may be blocked in certain areas. Additionally, some sources may have a bias or perspective that may not be representative of all viewpoints in Burma.