Bundesliga bows to pressure and postpones fixtures amid coronavirus concerns

The Bundesliga, Germany's top professional football league, has postponed its fixtures amid growing concerns over the spread of the coronavirus.

The decision was made after a meeting between the league's governing body, the German Football Association (DFB), and the country's health authorities.

The move comes as Germany has seen a significant increase in the number of confirmed cases of the virus, with over 1,000 reported cases and 12 deaths.

The Bundesliga was scheduled to resume on March 13, but the postponement means that the league will now be suspended until further notice.

The decision has been welcomed by many in the football community, with players and coaches expressing concerns over the safety of the sport during the pandemic.

The Bundesliga is the first major European football league to postpone its fixtures due to the coronavirus outbreak.

The decision is likely to have a significant impact on the league's schedule, with the season now likely to be extended into the summer.

The Bundesliga is one of the most popular and competitive leagues in the world, with top teams like Bayern Munich, Borussia Dortmund, and RB Leipzig competing for the title.

The league's decision to postpone its fixtures is a significant blow to the sport, but it is seen as a necessary measure to protect the health and safety of players, coaches, and fans.

The Bundesliga is expected to make a further announcement on the resumption of the league in the coming days.