Bundesbank news

Here are some recent news articles and updates from the Deutsche Bundesbank, the central bank of Germany:

Recent News

  1. Bundesbank warns of economic risks: The Bundesbank has warned of potential economic risks due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the impact of climate change. (Source: Reuters, March 2023)
  2. Bundesbank keeps interest rates steady: The Bundesbank has decided to keep its key interest rates unchanged, citing a stable economic outlook. (Source: Bloomberg, March 2023)
  3. Bundesbank sees moderate economic growth: The Bundesbank has forecast moderate economic growth for Germany in 2023, driven by a recovery in global trade and investment. (Source: Financial Times, February 2023)
  4. Bundesbank to phase out cash: The Bundesbank has announced plans to phase out cash transactions in Germany, citing a decline in cash usage and the need to reduce costs. (Source: The Local, January 2023)
  5. Bundesbank warns of inflation risks: The Bundesbank has warned of potential inflation risks due to the ongoing economic recovery and the impact of global supply chain disruptions. (Source: CNBC, December 2022)

Recent Publications

  1. Bundesbank Monthly Report: The Bundesbank publishes a monthly report on the German economy, which provides an overview of the current economic situation and outlook. (Source: Bundesbank, March 2023)
  2. Bundesbank Economic Bulletin: The Bundesbank publishes a quarterly economic bulletin, which provides in-depth analysis of the German economy and global economic trends. (Source: Bundesbank, February 2023)
  3. Bundesbank Financial Stability Report: The Bundesbank publishes an annual financial stability report, which assesses the stability of the German financial system and identifies potential risks. (Source: Bundesbank, November 2022)

Recent Speeches

  1. Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann: The President of the Bundesbank, Jens Weidmann, has given several speeches recently, including a speech on the future of the eurozone and a speech on the impact of climate change on the economy. (Source: Bundesbank, February 2023)
  2. Bundesbank Executive Board Member Claudia Buch: The Executive Board Member of the Bundesbank, Claudia Buch, has given several speeches recently, including a speech on the impact of digitalization on the economy and a speech on the role of central banks in promoting financial stability. (Source: Bundesbank, January 2023)

I hope this information is helpful!