Bumi armada news

Bumi Armada is a Malaysian-based offshore oil and gas services company. Here are some recent news and updates about the company:

  1. New Contracts: Bumi Armada has recently secured several new contracts, including a five-year contract with Shell Malaysia to provide offshore oil and gas services, and a three-year contract with Petronas to provide FPSO (Floating Production, Storage and Offloading) services.
  2. FPSO Operations: The company has been operating several FPSO vessels in the region, including the Armada Kraken, which is currently operating in the Kraken field in the North Sea.
  3. Expansion into New Markets: Bumi Armada is expanding its operations into new markets, including the Middle East and Africa. The company has recently established a new office in Dubai to support its growth plans in the region.
  4. Investment in Technology: The company is investing in new technologies to improve its operations and reduce costs. This includes the use of digitalization and automation to optimize its FPSO vessels and improve efficiency.
  5. Sustainability Efforts: Bumi Armada is committed to reducing its environmental impact and has implemented several sustainability initiatives, including reducing its carbon footprint and implementing waste reduction programs.
  6. Awards and Recognition: The company has received several awards and recognition for its services, including the "Best FPSO Operator" award at the 2020 Offshore Technology Conference.
  7. Newbuildings: Bumi Armada has recently taken delivery of several newbuildings, including the Armada Suri, a new FPSO vessel that will operate in the Suriname-Guyana Basin.
  8. Partnership with Petronas: The company has partnered with Petronas to develop a new FPSO vessel for the Petronas-operated Kikeh field in Malaysia.
  9. Expansion of Services: Bumi Armada is expanding its services to include new areas such as decommissioning and abandonment of offshore oil and gas facilities.
  10. Financial Performance: The company has reported strong financial performance in recent years, with revenue growth and improved profitability.

These are just a few examples of the recent news and updates about Bumi Armada. If you're looking for more information, I can try to help you find it!