Bulgari new aesthetic

Bulgari's new aesthetic!

In recent years, Bulgari has undergone a significant transformation in its design language, embracing a new aesthetic that is both modern and timeless. Here are some key elements that define Bulgari's new aesthetic:

  1. Simplified lines and shapes: Bulgari's new designs feature clean, minimalist lines and shapes, often with a focus on geometric forms. This simplicity creates a sense of elegance and sophistication.
  2. Bold colors: Bulgari's new aesthetic is characterized by a bold use of color, often featuring vibrant hues like yellow, orange, and pink. These colors add a pop of personality to the designs and create a sense of playfulness.
  3. Mix of materials: Bulgari's new designs often combine different materials, such as gold, silver, and ceramic, to create a unique visual interest. This mix of materials adds texture and depth to the designs.
  4. Emphasis on volume: Bulgari's new aesthetic often features designs with a focus on volume, such as oversized shapes and chunky details. This emphasis on volume creates a sense of drama and glamour.
  5. Incorporation of natural elements: Bulgari's new designs often incorporate natural elements, such as gemstones, wood, and leather, to add warmth and organic feel to the designs.
  6. Playful use of proportions: Bulgari's new aesthetic often features playful use of proportions, such as oversized logos or chunky details, to add a sense of whimsy and humor to the designs.
  7. Focus on craftsmanship: Bulgari's new aesthetic emphasizes the importance of craftsmanship, with intricate details and expertly crafted mechanisms that showcase the brand's commitment to quality and excellence.

Some notable examples of Bulgari's new aesthetic include:

Overall, Bulgari's new aesthetic is a bold and playful departure from the brand's traditional aesthetic, embracing a more modern and youthful approach to design.