Bukkygold film production omoge ikale new yoruba film

It seems like you're excited about a new Yoruba film!

Bukky Gold Film Production is a Nigerian film production company that has been producing high-quality Yoruba movies for a while now. And "Omoge Ikale" is one of their latest releases!

From what I've gathered, "Omoge Ikale" is a romantic drama that tells the story of a young woman named Ikale who is torn between her love for her childhood friend and her desire to pursue a career in the city. The movie promises to be an emotional rollercoaster, with plenty of twists and turns to keep viewers engaged.

The film features a talented cast, including popular Yoruba actors and actresses like Bukky Wright, Femi Adebayo, and Adebayo Salami. With its engaging storyline, stunning visuals, and memorable performances, "Omoge Ikale" is definitely a must-watch for fans of Yoruba cinema!

Have you watched "Omoge Ikale" yet? What did you think of the movie?