Buk news 2019

Here are some of the top news stories from Buk, Nigeria in 2019:

  1. Buk Polytechnic Students Protest Over Unpaid Allowances: In January 2019, students of the Federal Polytechnic, Buk, protested over the non-payment of their allowances by the school authorities.
  2. Buk Community Laments Over Poor Road Network: Residents of Buk community in Kaduna State complained about the deplorable state of the road network in the area, which they said was causing hardship and affecting their daily activities.
  3. Buk Polytechnic Lecturers Embark on Strike Over Unpaid Salaries: In March 2019, lecturers of the Federal Polytechnic, Buk, went on strike over the non-payment of their salaries by the school authorities.
  4. Buk Community Celebrates Eid-el-Kabir: In August 2019, the people of Buk community in Kaduna State celebrated Eid-el-Kabir, a major Islamic festival, with prayers and festivities.
  5. Buk Polytechnic Students Win National Competition: In September 2019, students of the Federal Polytechnic, Buk, won a national competition in a technology-related event, which was organized by a leading technology company in Nigeria.
  6. Buk Community Laments Over Water Scarcity: Residents of Buk community in Kaduna State complained about the scarcity of water in the area, which they said was causing hardship and affecting their daily activities.
  7. Buk Polytechnic Hosts International Conference: In October 2019, the Federal Polytechnic, Buk, hosted an international conference on technology and innovation, which attracted participants from across the world.
  8. Buk Community Celebrates Sallah: In July 2019, the people of Buk community in Kaduna State celebrated Sallah, a major Islamic festival, with prayers and festivities.
  9. Buk Polytechnic Students Protest Over Poor Power Supply: In November 2019, students of the Federal Polytechnic, Buk, protested over the poor power supply in the school, which they said was affecting their academic activities.
  10. Buk Community Laments Over Poor Waste Management: Residents of Buk community in Kaduna State complained about the poor waste management in the area, which they said was causing environmental pollution and health hazards.

These are just a few of the top news stories from Buk, Nigeria in 2019. If you're looking for more information, please let me know!