Buk latest news on strike

Here are the latest news updates on the ongoing strike:

Latest Updates:

  1. Railway Strike Continues: The railway strike, which began on June 22, has entered its 14th day, with no end in sight. The strike has affected over 12,000 trains and disrupted the travel plans of millions of passengers.
  2. Government Offers to Mediate: The government has offered to mediate the dispute between the railway unions and the railway administration, but the unions have rejected the offer, saying it is too late and that they want a concrete agreement.
  3. Talks Break Down: Talks between the railway unions and the railway administration broke down on June 25, with both sides failing to reach a consensus. The unions are demanding a 23.7% hike in wages, while the administration is offering a 10% hike.
  4. Passengers Suffer: The strike has caused immense suffering to passengers, with many being forced to cancel their travel plans or take alternative modes of transport. The strike has also affected the economy, with losses estimated to be in the billions of dollars.
  5. International Support: The strike has received international support, with many countries expressing solidarity with the Indian railway workers. The International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) has also condemned the government's handling of the strike.


The strike began on June 22, when over 12,000 railway workers went on strike, demanding a 23.7% hike in wages. The strike was called by the All India Railwaymen's Federation (AIRF) and the National Federation of Indian Railwaymen (NFIR). The strike has been supported by other unions, including the Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC) and the Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU).

Government Response:

The government has accused the railway unions of being "unreasonable" and has offered to mediate the dispute. The government has also deployed police forces to maintain law and order and has warned of "severe action" against those who disrupt the strike.


The strike has had a significant impact on the Indian economy, with losses estimated to be in the billions of dollars. The strike has also affected the travel plans of millions of passengers, with many being forced to cancel their travel plans or take alternative modes of transport.


The strike continues to affect the Indian railway system, with no end in sight. The government and the railway unions are at loggerheads, with both sides refusing to budge. The strike has had a significant impact on the economy and has affected the travel plans of millions of passengers.