Build a new programming language

What a fascinating task! Building a new programming language is a significant undertaking that requires a deep understanding of computer science, linguistics, and software engineering. Here's a high-level outline of the process, and we can dive deeper into each step as needed.

Step 1: Define the language's purpose and scope

Step 2: Choose a syntax and semantics

Step 3: Design the type system

Step 4: Design the control flow and statements

Step 5: Design the data types and data structures

Step 6: Design the functions and modules

Step 7: Design the error handling and debugging

Step 8: Implement the language

Step 9: Test and refine the language

Step 10: Document the language

This is a high-level outline, and each step requires a significant amount of work and expertise. Building a new programming language is a complex task that requires a deep understanding of computer science, linguistics, and software engineering.

If you're interested in building a new programming language, I recommend starting with a small, focused project and gradually expanding your scope as you gain experience and expertise. You can also consider collaborating with others or joining an existing language development community to learn from others and share your own knowledge and expertise.