Buharis health 350 imams lead thousand of borno residents in prayers

It seems like you're referring to a news article or a recent event. Here's a possible summary:

President Muhammadu Buhari's health has been a subject of concern for many Nigerians. Recently, over 1,000 residents of Borno State, led by 350 Imams, gathered to pray for the President's health and well-being. The prayer session was held in Maiduguri, the capital city of Borno State, and was attended by prominent Islamic scholars and community leaders.

The Imams and the residents of Borno State came together to pray for the President's speedy recovery and good health, as well as for the peace and stability of the country. The prayer session was seen as a show of solidarity and support for the President, who has been receiving treatment for an undisclosed illness in London.

It's worth noting that the President's health has been a topic of discussion and concern for many Nigerians, with some calling for him to step down or for the government to provide more information about his condition. However, the prayer session in Borno State was seen as a positive development, bringing people together to pray for the President's health and the well-being of the nation.