Buharis comment on recieving security news from news paper

I think you may be referring to a quote from President Muhammadu Buhari of Nigeria. Here's what I found:

In 2015, during his inaugural speech as President, Buhari made a comment about receiving security news from newspapers. He said:

"I must confess that I have not been impressed with the way our security agencies have been handling security matters. I have been reading in the newspapers about the insecurity in the country. I have been reading about the kidnappings, the armed robberies, the assassinations, and I have been reading about the lack of confidence in the security agencies. And I have been asking myself, 'What is going on?'"

This quote suggests that President Buhari was expressing frustration and disappointment with the state of security in Nigeria at the time, and implying that the security agencies were not doing enough to address the issues. He was also acknowledging that he was getting his information about security matters from newspapers, rather than from official briefings or other sources.