Buhari to address un general assembly the eagle online

It seems like you're referring to a news article or report from The Eagle Online, a Nigerian online news publication.

According to the article, President Muhammadu Buhari is scheduled to address the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York, USA. This is a significant event, as the UNGA is the main deliberative and representative organ of the United Nations, comprising all 193 Member States.

As the President of Nigeria, Buhari's address to the UNGA is expected to focus on key issues affecting the country, Africa, and the global community. He may discuss topics such as:

  1. Nigeria's economic development and growth strategies
  2. The country's efforts to combat terrorism, insurgency, and other security challenges
  3. Nigeria's commitment to regional and international cooperation, including its role in the African Union and other multilateral organizations
  4. The country's stance on global issues, such as climate change, sustainable development, and human rights

The address is likely to be a significant opportunity for President Buhari to engage with world leaders, share Nigeria's perspectives, and promote the country's interests on the global stage.

Would you like me to provide more information on the UN General Assembly or President Buhari's previous addresses to the UNGA?