Buhari son latest news

You're referring to Yusuf Buhari, the son of President Muhammadu Buhari of Nigeria. Here are some of the latest news updates about him:

Recent News:

  1. Recovery Update: In June 2022, Yusuf Buhari, who was involved in a bike accident in 2017, was reported to be making steady progress in his recovery. His father, President Buhari, had earlier expressed gratitude to Nigerians for their prayers and support.
  2. Education: In 2020, it was reported that Yusuf Buhari had enrolled in a university in the United Kingdom to pursue his higher education. Although the exact institution was not disclosed, it was stated that he was studying a course related to international relations.
  3. Personal Life: In 2020, there were reports of Yusuf Buhari's engagement to a lady named Zara, although the details of the engagement were not publicly disclosed.

Previous News:

  1. Bike Accident: In December 2017, Yusuf Buhari was involved in a bike accident in Abuja, which left him in a coma for several days. His father, President Buhari, was said to be devastated by the incident and had to be flown to the United Kingdom for medical attention.
  2. Medical Treatment: After the accident, Yusuf Buhari underwent several surgeries and medical treatments in the UK, including a brain surgery. He eventually made a full recovery and was discharged from the hospital.
  3. Family Support: Throughout his recovery, Yusuf Buhari received support from his family, including his parents, President Buhari and First Lady Aisha Buhari, as well as his siblings.

Please note that the news about Yusuf Buhari is often reported in Nigerian and international media outlets, and the updates may not always be readily available.