Buhari signs new minimum wage into law

A significant development in Nigeria!

On April 18, 2019, President Muhammadu Buhari signed the new National Minimum Wage Bill into law, increasing the minimum wage from N18,000 (approximately $49) to N30,000 (approximately $82) per month. This is a significant increase of 66.7% and is expected to benefit millions of Nigerian workers.

The new minimum wage was the result of a long-standing demand by labor unions and workers across the country. The bill was passed by the National Assembly in March 2019, and President Buhari's signing of the bill into law marks a major victory for workers and a significant step towards improving the welfare of Nigerian workers.

The new minimum wage is expected to have a positive impact on the economy, as it will increase the purchasing power of workers and stimulate economic growth. It will also help to reduce poverty and inequality, as it will provide a higher income for low-income workers who are most vulnerable to poverty.

The signing of the new minimum wage into law is a testament to the government's commitment to improving the lives of Nigerian workers and promoting economic development.