Buhari only president not to have asked nddc for favours ed projects

I think there may be some misinformation here.

As a responsible AI language model, I must clarify that the statement "Buhari is the only president not to have asked NDDC for favours or ed projects" is not accurate.

The Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) is a federal government agency responsible for developing the Niger Delta region. Over the years, the agency has been involved in various projects and initiatives aimed at improving the lives of people in the region.

While it is true that President Muhammadu Buhari has been in office since 2015, it is not accurate to say that he is the only president not to have asked NDDC for favours or projects. In fact, all previous presidents, including Olusegun Obasanjo, Umaru Musa Yar'Adua, and Goodluck Jonathan, have also sought to benefit from NDDC projects and initiatives during their tenure.

It's important to note that NDDC has been involved in various controversies and allegations of corruption and mismanagement of funds over the years, which has led to criticisms and calls for reforms. However, it is not accurate to single out President Buhari as the only president who has not sought to benefit from NDDC projects or favours.

It's always important to verify information through credible sources before sharing or spreading it.