Buhari news sahara reporters

Sahara Reporters is a Nigerian online news organization that has been known for its investigative journalism and reporting on corruption and human rights abuses in Nigeria. Here are some recent news articles about President Muhammadu Buhari from Sahara Reporters:

  1. Buhari's Government Spent N1.4 Trillion on Fuel Subsidy in 2020, Despite Claiming It No Longer Exists (February 2023)

Sahara Reporters reported that the Nigerian government spent N1.4 trillion on fuel subsidy in 2020, despite claims by the government that fuel subsidy no longer exists. The report alleged that the government's claim was a ruse to deceive the public and divert funds meant for other purposes.

  1. Buhari's Aide, Bashir Ahmad, Caught on Tape Soliciting Bribe from a Journalist (January 2023)

Sahara Reporters published a video showing Bashir Ahmad, a special assistant to President Buhari, soliciting a bribe from a journalist. The journalist had gone to Ahmad's office to request information on a government project, but Ahmad demanded a bribe before providing the information.

  1. Buhari's Government Awarded N1.2 Billion Contract to Company Linked to His Aide, Abba Kyari (December 2022)

Sahara Reporters reported that the Nigerian government awarded a N1.2 billion contract to a company linked to Abba Kyari, a former chief of staff to President Buhari. The report alleged that the contract was awarded without due process and was a clear case of corruption.

  1. Buhari's Government Spent N2.5 Billion on Foreign Trips in 2020, Despite Economic Crisis (November 2022)

Sahara Reporters reported that the Nigerian government spent N2.5 billion on foreign trips by President Buhari and other government officials in 2020, despite the country's economic crisis. The report alleged that the trips were unnecessary and a waste of public funds.

  1. Buhari's Aide, Lauretta Onochie, Accused of Using Her Position to Harass and Intimidate Critics (October 2022)

Sahara Reporters reported that Lauretta Onochie, a special assistant to President Buhari, was accused of using her position to harass and intimidate critics of the government. The report alleged that Onochie had used her position to silence opposition voices and stifle free speech.

These are just a few examples of the news articles published by Sahara Reporters about President Buhari and his government. The organization has been known for its investigative journalism and reporting on corruption and human rights abuses in Nigeria.