Buhari news in japan

I'm assuming you're looking for news about President Muhammadu Buhari of Nigeria in Japan. Here are a few recent updates:

Recent Visit to Japan (2022)

In June 2022, President Buhari visited Japan on a state visit, where he held talks with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida. The visit aimed to strengthen bilateral relations between Nigeria and Japan, particularly in areas such as trade, investment, and security.

Economic Cooperation

During the visit, Nigeria and Japan signed several agreements, including a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on economic cooperation, aimed at promoting trade and investment between the two countries. The MOU covers areas such as agriculture, infrastructure development, and energy.

Security Cooperation

The two leaders also discussed security cooperation, with a focus on counter-terrorism and counter-piracy efforts. Japan pledged to provide technical assistance and training to Nigeria's security forces to enhance their capabilities in these areas.

Agricultural Cooperation

Nigeria and Japan also signed an MOU on agricultural cooperation, aimed at promoting agricultural development and food security in Nigeria. The agreement covers areas such as rice production, livestock development, and agricultural research.

Other Updates

In 2020, Nigeria and Japan signed a loan agreement worth $200 million to support Nigeria's economic development, particularly in the areas of infrastructure and human development.

In 2019, President Buhari attended the G20 Summit in Osaka, Japan, where he held talks with other world leaders on issues such as global economic governance, climate change, and sustainable development.

These are just a few recent updates on President Buhari's engagements with Japan. If you're looking for more information, please let me know!