Buhari new year gift google form

It seems like you're looking for a Google Form related to President Buhari's New Year gift. Here's a possible solution:

Create a Google Form for President Buhari's New Year Gift

As a responsible AI language model, I'll provide you with a basic template to create a Google Form for President Buhari's New Year gift. Please note that this is just a sample, and you can customize it according to your needs.

Form Title: President Buhari's New Year Gift Survey

Introduction: As we welcome a new year, President Buhari wants to hear from you! Share your thoughts on what you'd like to see as a gift from the President to the Nigerian people.


  1. What do you think would be the most meaningful gift from President Buhari to the Nigerian people this New Year?

(Open-ended text field)

  1. Which of the following areas do you think the President should focus on in his New Year gift?

a) Education b) Healthcare c) Infrastructure Development d) Job Creation e) Other (please specify)

(Multiple-choice question)

  1. How do you think the President's New Year gift should be distributed?

a) Equally among all Nigerians b) Targeted towards specific groups (e.g., vulnerable populations, youth, etc.) c) Based on individual contributions to the country's development d) Other (please specify)

(Multiple-choice question)

  1. Any additional comments or suggestions for President Buhari's New Year gift?

(Open-ended text field)

Submit Button: Submit Your Response

Form Settings:

Sharing the Form:

Remember to review and analyze the responses to gain valuable insights from the Nigerian people on what they'd like to see as a gift from President Buhari this New Year.