Buhari new media centre

The Buhari New Media Centre is a digital platform established by the Federal Government of Nigeria to promote the activities and policies of the President Muhammadu Buhari administration. The centre was launched in 2015 with the aim of providing a platform for the government to engage with citizens, share information, and promote transparency and accountability.

The Buhari New Media Centre is responsible for managing the official social media accounts of the President and the Federal Government, as well as creating and disseminating content on various digital platforms. The centre also engages with citizens on social media, responds to queries and comments, and provides information on government policies and initiatives.

Some of the key objectives of the Buhari New Media Centre include:

  1. To provide a platform for the government to engage with citizens and promote transparency and accountability.
  2. To create and disseminate content on various digital platforms to promote the activities and policies of the government.
  3. To engage with citizens on social media, respond to queries and comments, and provide information on government policies and initiatives.
  4. To promote the image and reputation of the government and its officials.
  5. To provide a platform for citizens to provide feedback and suggestions to the government.

The Buhari New Media Centre has been involved in various initiatives, including:

  1. The "Ask the President" initiative, which allows citizens to ask questions and receive answers from the President.
  2. The "MyNigeria" initiative, which aims to promote national pride and unity.
  3. The "Change Begins with Me" initiative, which encourages citizens to take personal responsibility for promoting positive change in their communities.
  4. The "Nigeria at 60" initiative, which commemorated the 60th anniversary of Nigeria's independence.

The Buhari New Media Centre has also been involved in various digital campaigns, including:

  1. The "Nigeria's Got Talent" campaign, which aimed to promote Nigerian culture and talent.
  2. The "Nigeria's Got Skills" campaign, which aimed to promote Nigerian skills and entrepreneurship.
  3. The "Nigeria's Got Heart" campaign, which aimed to promote Nigerian values and compassion.

Overall, the Buhari New Media Centre plays an important role in promoting the activities and policies of the government, engaging with citizens, and promoting transparency and accountability.