Buhari medical tourist new york times

You're referring to the controversy surrounding President Muhammadu Buhari's medical trip to the United Kingdom in 2016 and 2017, which was reported by The New York Times.

In 2016, President Buhari traveled to London for medical treatment, sparking widespread speculation about the nature of his illness and the cost of his treatment. The Nigerian government initially refused to disclose the details of his illness, fueling rumors and conspiracy theories.

The New York Times reported on the controversy, citing sources who claimed that Buhari had been suffering from an undisclosed illness, possibly related to his age and health issues. The report also mentioned that the Nigerian government had spent millions of dollars on the president's medical treatment in the UK.

The controversy surrounding Buhari's medical trip was significant, as it raised questions about the transparency and accountability of the Nigerian government. Many Nigerians felt that the government was not being truthful about the president's health and the cost of his treatment.

In response to the controversy, the Nigerian government released a statement saying that Buhari had been treated for a "persistent ear infection" and that his medical trip was a routine check-up. However, many Nigerians remained skeptical, and the controversy continued to generate widespread debate and speculation.

It's worth noting that the Nigerian government has since been more transparent about the president's health, releasing regular updates on his medical condition and treatment. However, the controversy surrounding Buhari's medical trip in 2016 and 2017 remains a significant issue in Nigerian politics and a reminder of the importance of transparency and accountability in government.