Buhari explains reasons frequent foreign trips

I think you meant "Buhari explains reasons for frequent foreign trips".

On several occasions, President Muhammadu Buhari has explained the reasons behind his frequent foreign trips. Here are some of the reasons he has given:

  1. Economic Diplomacy: Buhari has emphasized the importance of economic diplomacy in promoting Nigeria's economic interests abroad. He has said that his foreign trips are aimed at attracting foreign investment, promoting Nigerian businesses, and strengthening economic ties with other countries.
  2. Global Health Crises: The President has also traveled abroad to address global health crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. He has participated in international summits and conferences to discuss ways to combat the pandemic and share Nigeria's experiences in managing the crisis.
  3. Security and Counter-Terrorism: Buhari has traveled to other countries to discuss security and counter-terrorism issues. He has met with world leaders to share intelligence and best practices in combating terrorism and other security threats.
  4. International Relations and Diplomacy: As the President of Nigeria, Buhari has a responsibility to maintain good relations with other countries and international organizations. His foreign trips are aimed at strengthening Nigeria's diplomatic ties with other nations and promoting its interests on the global stage.
  5. Personal Representation: As the head of state, Buhari represents Nigeria at international events and conferences. His foreign trips are also an opportunity for him to promote Nigerian culture and values on the global stage.

In a statement, the President's spokesman, Femi Adesina, has said that Buhari's foreign trips are "essential" for Nigeria's development and that they are "carefully planned and executed" to achieve specific objectives.

It's worth noting that the President's frequent foreign trips have been a subject of controversy in Nigeria, with some critics arguing that they are a waste of resources and that the President should focus more on domestic issues. However, the President's administration has defended the trips, saying that they are necessary for Nigeria's economic and security interests.