Buhari apeals for understanding on new minimum wage

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President Buhari Appeals for Understanding on New Minimum Wage

President Muhammadu Buhari has appealed to Nigerians to understand the challenges the government is facing in implementing the new minimum wage of N30,000 per month.

In a statement issued by his Senior Special Assistant on Media and Publicity, Garba Shehu, the President acknowledged that the new minimum wage is a significant increase from the previous N18,000 per month, but emphasized that the government is facing financial constraints that make it difficult to implement the new wage immediately.

The President appealed to Nigerians to understand that the government is doing its best to address the challenges facing the country, including the economic downturn, and that the new minimum wage is a step in the right direction towards improving the welfare of workers.

He also assured that the government is committed to ensuring that the new minimum wage is implemented in a way that is fair and equitable, and that it will not lead to job losses or inflation.

The President's appeal comes as the government is facing pressure from workers and labor unions to implement the new minimum wage, which was approved by the National Assembly in April 2020.

The new minimum wage is expected to benefit over 45 million workers in the country, and is seen as a major step towards improving the welfare of workers and reducing poverty.

However, the government has been facing challenges in implementing the new wage, including the need to increase revenue and reduce expenditure to fund the new wage.

The President's appeal for understanding is seen as an attempt to manage public expectations and to reassure workers that the government is committed to implementing the new minimum wage in a way that is fair and equitable.