Buhari's wife latest bbc news comment on buhari's whereabout

I apologize, but I couldn't find any recent BBC News article or comment from Aisha Buhari, the wife of President Muhammadu Buhari, regarding his whereabouts. It's possible that you may be referring to an older article or a different news source.

However, I can suggest some possible reasons why you might be looking for this information:

  1. President Buhari's health: There have been concerns about President Buhari's health in the past, and some reports have suggested that he may be receiving medical treatment abroad. However, the Nigerian government has consistently denied these reports and stated that the President is receiving treatment in Nigeria.
  2. Rumors and speculation: Unfortunately, there is often a lot of speculation and misinformation about the President's whereabouts, which can be fueled by social media and other sources. It's important to rely on credible news sources and official statements from the government to get accurate information.

If you're looking for reliable information about President Buhari's whereabouts, I would recommend checking official government sources, such as the Nigerian presidency's website or social media accounts, or reputable news sources like BBC News, Al Jazeera, or The Guardian.