Buhar sign new minimum wage

I think there may be a slight mistake. Buhari is the President of Nigeria, and he has not signed a new minimum wage. However, I can provide you with some information on the recent developments regarding the minimum wage in Nigeria.

In April 2020, the Nigerian government signed the new National Minimum Wage Act into law, which increased the minimum wage from N18,000 (approximately $49) to N30,000 (approximately $82) per month. This was a significant increase, and it was implemented to help alleviate poverty and improve the standard of living for low-income workers in Nigeria.

The new minimum wage was the result of a long-standing demand by workers and labor unions in Nigeria, who had been pushing for an increase in the minimum wage for several years. The increase was also seen as a way to help stimulate economic growth and reduce income inequality in the country.

I hope this information is helpful!