Budget padding jibrin wont escape punishment chief whip

It seems like you're referring to a recent news article or development in Nigeria. For those who may not be aware, "Budget Padding" is a scandal that involves the manipulation of the national budget by some lawmakers in Nigeria to enrich themselves.

Jibrin, in this context, is likely referring to Abdulmumin Jibrin, a former Chairman of the House of Representatives Committee on Appropriation who was accused of budget padding. He was subsequently suspended from the House of Representatives.

The Chief Whip of the House of Representatives, in this context, is likely referring to Mohammed Monguno, who has been quoted as saying that Jibrin will not escape punishment for his alleged role in the budget padding scandal.

It's worth noting that the budget padding scandal has been a major controversy in Nigeria, with many calling for accountability and transparency in the country's budgeting process. The scandal has also led to calls for the prosecution of those involved, including Jibrin.

It's great to see that there are still voices of accountability and transparency in Nigeria, and I hope that those responsible for the scandal are held accountable for their actions.