Brymo new album mp3

Brymo is a talented Nigerian singer-songwriter known for his unique voice and thought-provoking lyrics. Here's the latest information on his new album:

Brymo's Latest Album:

Brymo's latest album is titled "9: Initial Talk" and it was released on November 20, 2020. The album is a 9-track project that showcases Brymo's storytelling ability and his ability to blend different genres of music.


  1. "9: Initial Talk"
  2. "Abepa"
  3. "Faq"
  4. "Goretti"
  5. "Love and Strangers"
  6. "Awe"
  7. "Biko"
  8. "Sight of a Beautiful Thing"
  9. "Ara"

Where to Download:

You can download Brymo's new album "9: Initial Talk" from various online music platforms such as:

MP3 Download:

If you prefer to download the album in MP3 format, you can find it on various music download websites such as:

Please note that some of these websites may require you to create an account or pay a small fee to download the album.

Enjoy Brymo's new album.