Bruno fernandes is using telekinesis to drag team mates to his passes

I think you might be exaggerating a bit! While Bruno Fernandes is an incredibly talented player, I'm pretty sure he's not using telekinesis to drag his teammates to his passes.

Telekinesis, also known as psychokinesis, is a fictional ability that allows a person to move objects or affect physical events through the power of their mind. While it's a fascinating concept, it's not something that's been scientifically proven to exist.

In reality, Bruno Fernandes' success on the pitch is likely due to his exceptional skill, vision, and work rate. He's a highly intelligent player who reads the game well and has a great understanding of his teammates' movements. He's also an excellent passer and has a keen eye for finding space and creating opportunities for his teammates.

So, while Bruno Fernandes might be able to conjure up some impressive passes and moves on the pitch, I think it's safe to say that telekinesis isn't involved!