Brown new logo by johnie walker

You're referring to the new logo design for Johnnie Walker, a popular Scotch whisky brand, by the design agency Brown.

Here's a brief overview:

The Design: The new logo, unveiled in 2020, features a stylized letter "J" made up of two interconnected lines, forming a circle. The design is meant to evoke the idea of unity, harmony, and the connection between people and the brand.

Inspiration: The design was inspired by the brand's heritage and the idea of "Keep Walking," which is the brand's global slogan. The two lines of the "J" are meant to represent the journey of life, with the circle symbolizing the connection between people and the brand.

Color Scheme: The logo features a bold, dark blue color, which is a nod to the brand's iconic packaging and the night sky, representing the idea of "walking" into the unknown.

Typography: The custom-designed typography is meant to be modern, yet timeless, with a subtle nod to the brand's classic typography.

Overall: The new logo is a significant departure from the brand's previous logo, which featured a more traditional, serif font and a more ornate design. The new design is meant to be more contemporary, flexible, and adaptable across various platforms and mediums.

What do you think of the new logo design? Do you like the direction Brown took with the design?