Bronze heaven hospital new york

I think you may be referring to BronxCare Health System, also known as the "Bronze Heaven" hospital, located in the Bronx, New York City.

BronxCare Health System is a public hospital system that provides a wide range of medical services to the community. It is one of the largest and most comprehensive public health systems in the country, serving over 70,000 patients annually.

The hospital has a reputation for providing high-quality care, particularly in the areas of emergency medicine, cardiology, and surgery. It is also a major teaching hospital, affiliated with the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.

The nickname "Bronze Heaven" is likely due to the hospital's iconic bronze-colored building and its reputation for providing a sense of hope and healing to its patients.

Here are some key facts about BronxCare Health System:

I hope this information is helpful!