Broken windows and scattered church festac residents speak on abule ado explosion

I'm so sorry to hear about the devastating explosion that occurred in Abule Ado, Festac, Lagos. Here are some quotes from residents who have spoken about the incident:

Broken Windows and Scattered Debris

"I was sleeping when I heard the loud explosion. I rushed out of my room to see what was happening, and I was shocked to see my windows shattered and my room filled with debris. It's like a war zone here." - Mrs. Aisha, a resident of Abule Ado

Fear and Panic

"I was so scared when I saw the explosion. I didn't know what was happening or what to do. I just ran out of my house with my children, not knowing if we would make it out alive." - Mr. Olamide, a resident of Abule Ado

Loss and Grief

"I lost my only son in the explosion. He was just 10 years old. I don't know how I'm going to cope with this loss. The pain is too much." - Mrs. Fatima, a resident of Abule Ado

Anger and Frustration

"This is not the first time something like this has happened in our community. We have been complaining about the gas pipeline in the area, but no one has listened. Now, look at what has happened. It's like we are not human beings." - Mr. Segun, a resident of Abule Ado

Calls for Action

"We need the government to take immediate action to prevent such incidents from happening again. We need better infrastructure and more attention to our community. We can't keep living in fear like this." - Mrs. Aisha, a resident of Abule Ado

Community Support

"The community has come together to support each other in this difficult time. We are all trying to help each other, but it's not easy. We need more support from the government and other organizations." - Mr. Olamide, a resident of Abule Ado

I hope these quotes give you a sense of the impact of the explosion on the residents of Abule Ado. It's a devastating incident that has left many people injured, displaced, and grieving.