British military news

Here are some recent news articles and updates about the British military:

Recent News

  1. UK to send 250 troops to Mali: The UK has announced that it will send 250 troops to Mali to support the French-led mission against Islamist militants in the region. (Source: BBC News)
  2. Royal Navy's new aircraft carrier begins sea trials: The UK's new aircraft carrier, HMS Queen Elizabeth, has begun sea trials off the coast of Scotland. The carrier is expected to enter service in 2023. (Source: The Telegraph)
  3. British Army to deploy troops to Eastern Europe: The UK has announced that it will deploy troops to Eastern Europe as part of a NATO mission to deter Russian aggression. (Source: The Guardian)
  4. RAF to upgrade Typhoon fighter jets: The UK's Royal Air Force (RAF) has announced plans to upgrade its Typhoon fighter jets with new engines and avionics. (Source: FlightGlobal)
  5. British Army to introduce new combat uniform: The British Army is introducing a new combat uniform, known as the "Multiterra Pattern", which is designed to be more practical and comfortable for soldiers in a variety of environments. (Source: The Sun)

Recent Operations

  1. Operation Shader: The UK is continuing to support the international coalition against ISIS in Iraq and Syria. British troops are involved in training and advising Iraqi forces, as well as conducting airstrikes against ISIS targets. (Source: Ministry of Defence)
  2. Operation Trenton: The UK is participating in a NATO mission to train and advise the Afghan security forces. British troops are based in Helmand Province and are involved in mentoring and training Afghan soldiers. (Source: NATO)
  3. Operation Kipion: The UK is involved in a mission to support the government of Somalia against al-Shabaab militants. British troops are based in Somalia and are involved in training and advising Somali security forces. (Source: Ministry of Defence)

Personnel News

  1. New Chief of the Defence Staff: Admiral Sir Tony Radakin has been appointed as the new Chief of the Defence Staff, replacing General Sir Nick Carter. (Source: Ministry of Defence)
  2. British Army's first female infantry officer: The British Army has appointed its first female infantry officer, who will serve with the Royal Gurkha Rifles. (Source: The Times)
  3. RAF's first female fighter pilot: The Royal Air Force has appointed its first female fighter pilot, who will fly the Typhoon fighter jet. (Source: The Telegraph)